Day 18. Finishing up Space Shooter
Enemy Avoid Shot. As I said before, I do this task with the Raycast. The difference is in the laser. It is too tiny. Raycast can collide with it if the collider is wide enough. Instead of a wide collider, I used the method CircleCast has a second parameter with a radius.
Homing projectile. I went further in the previous Framework section and got this feature work before. Today I improved some graphics. Changed sprite for power-up and tried to animate it by rotating. Every time I try to rotate it with a code or animation, it does turn. The dark side is, that with rotation it is a deformed Translate method that pulling power-up down the screen and it going the wrong way. I guess what I could do is recalculate coordinates for Translate. I certainly will figure it out and share methods here. For now, let us move on.
Boss AI is the last task in this course. And I will do something exciting with the graphics. Btw, I visited “Abstract Classes Supplemental Presentation” shown by Austin Mackrell and now I am thinking of restructuring the whole project. I would be able to make a Boss in this game faster. But it might take some more time. I found a nice picture of a space ship that will be the boss. Thanks, pal for posting your assets. It looks very nice.
With some adjustment, I made it spawn every time a player shoots a prime number of enemies. I will work on a boss gun tomorrow and finalize it by publishing the game on my portfolio website.
See you tomorrow!