Day 17. Enemy Pickups. Smart Enemy.
It was supposed to be a rainy day. Turned out it was “raycast” day. Two features were done with one method. Regards to Dan Schatzeder for showing us a possible use-case and how it works.
SO, the enemy pickup feature simply a type of enemy that looking for power-ups and shooting it away from the player. Raycast object scanning in front of the enemy and if it hits collider, it does check the tag is a power-up.
Similar to previous logic Raycast scanning area behind the enemy and on collision with the player tag shoots a laser back.
Current status: 24 points of 20 required, with max 28 in the “Core Programming” section.
I believe the next task, “Enemy Avoid Shot,” can be done with Raycast either. “Homing Projectile” was done in the previous section. Of course, I must finish like a boss with a Boss. Needs more work to improve graphics. Add some more animation. Publish a game on my portfolio website. Sounds like a plan.