Day 10. Secondary Fire Power-up.

Dmitry Gordeev
1 min readNov 26, 2020


I choose to develop a homing laser as a secondary fire power-up. The task was open about what kind of gun to build. So, it was intriguing for me to learn how to navigate the laser to follow and reach a target. After some research, I learned that I can use Rigidbody2D component that can navigate laser after a vector calculation.

By setting up “velocity” and “angularVelocity”, the laser starts to do what I imagined it would.

Credit goes to this tutorial

Another discovery was this method OnBecameInvisible() which is called every time an object moved out of the camera. That is the perfect condition to destroy a laser if it out of the screen. Cleaned up the code. Neat!

One more thing left to mention. Target search programmed to find the nearest enemy. I have done it by measuring the distance between all active enemies and the player. Vector3.Distance(enemy.transform.position, transform.position); Minimum distanced enemy being targeted.



Dmitry Gordeev
Dmitry Gordeev

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